Community Outreach

Boy Scout Troop 333 Visits Watsontown Trucking
Community Initiative:
Seven determined Boy Scouts from Troop 333 of Sunbury have earned their Truck Transportation Merit Badge after visiting Watsontown Trucking Company. This was one of four badges the scouts earned in just one week.
Company Involvement:
Troop 333 contacted Patton Logistics regarding a tour for their seven scouts to earn their Truck Transportation Merit Badge. Watsontown Trucking Company opened their bay doors and welcomed the scouts in to learn the ins and outs of the asset-based trucking company, including operations, maintenance, and the fleet.
Employee Involvement:
Watsontown Trucking Company Milton, PA Director of Safety, Brandon Koser, led the event for Troop 333. He gave them an in-depth tour of the company and explained how the fleet of 400 trucks and 1,200 trailers safely delivers over 85,000 shipments each year.

Operation Warm
Community Initiative:
Over 300 Williamsport children from low-income families will receive brand-new coats courtesy of The Patton Logistics Group. Patton Logistics has partnered with Operation Warm, a national nonprofit that manufactures brand-new coats for children in need.
Company Involvement:
Patton Warehousing inventoried the coats and fulfilled the order that would be sent to the school. Watsontown Trucking Company provided the transportation from the warehouse to the school and Patton Warehousing provided a crew to offload the boxes of coats at the school.
Employee Involvement:
Patton Warehousing Muncy, PA fulfillment manager Roland Diaz, packaged the order for delivery to the children. Watsontown Trucking Company representative Bruce Cashner transported the coat order and assisted with the unloading process at the school.

Knoebels Joy Through the Grove
Community Initiative:
In December 2020, the owner of The Patton Logistics Group, sponsored a free admission night for families to visit Knoebels Joy Through the Grove with their entry fee paid by the company.
Steve Patton, president of Patton Logistics Group, said the idea started when considering options for an event to thank employees. The company typically hosts a picnic at Knoebels but had to cancel it this year due to the pandemic.
Company Involvement:
“From there, the idea evolved into something bigger,” Patton noted. “We realized there are a lot of people struggling right now who could really use an experience like Joy Through the Grove but might not have the means. The community has been good to me for a long time, and it's time for me to be good to the community."
Patton reached out to Knoebels with the idea, and the plan was set in motion.
“The Patton family is doing an incredible thing to bring joy to the lives of complete strangers,” said Stacy Ososkie, Knoebels’ spokesperson. “We look forward to witnessing the happiness this will create for families who might not have been able to visit otherwise.”
Employee Involvement:
In addition to the community event being covered, Patton arranged for a different day for employees to experience Joy Through the Grove with their families, since they weren't able to host their annual company picnic.